Power Of Waves: Storytelling for a Circular Economy

A new wave is cascading over the land, one that asks us to reconsider everything. This can be disruptive and unsettling, but if we get the story right, it can be empowering.

Storytelling is the foundation of communities. From stories of love, fear, and hope, to stories of the past, present, and future, stories help us to understand each other and the world around us. The Power of Waves project harnesses the power of storytelling to raise awareness of issues that impact us all, including waste. Working together with Harris Tweed Hebrides, Wood Bros, Fishy Filaments and Ravensbourne University London the project aims to implement sustainable circular models that use waste from the land and the sea, ensuring that nothing goes to waste. The circular economy is a proven methodology to reduce the impact of waste on the environment. The Power of Waves project aims to showcase what is possible and what a circular economy looks like. By utilizing excess waste and recycled materials, the project will transform them into unique, bespoke products that are designed with a sustainable future in mind.

Manufacturing Products from Waste Material: A Vital Step Towards Green Ecosystems is to change our relationship with materials.

We are discovering alternative ways of designing, manufacturing, marketing, and selling products. We are also investigating techniques to lessen or remove their environmental impact. What happens when we rethink waste as an opportunity for example? Switching to manufacturing products from waste material is essential for a successful transition to green ecosystems. These new processes will stimulate productivity, improve employment opportunities, and encourage community cohesion through the development of new products and services with a positive real-world impact.

Get in touch if you would like more information about our work and Follow us on our journey as we discover what a sustainable future looks, feels and sounds like and remember to pause and take some time out to read our short story about the making of a chair.

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